Chapter: Mobile app galaxy

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Apps that get papped!

Being the shiniest in this digital cosmic galaxy of websites and mobile applications is daunting. After all, mobile users will only increase each passing day, and so will their expectations. We need to build an app that satiates their expectations. As a

mobile app development company in Ahmedabad

, India, we’ll build apps that they’ll (your users baba) love to tap.

mobile app development agency in Ahmedabad

Types of
App Development


Leading applications for leading mobile OS


Dedicated development for iOS.


One codebase, two mobile OS!

Excercise 1.1

What does iOS stand for?

true false

4 stars development

As a mobile app development company in Ahmedabad, India, we want to highlight the four steps of mobile app development that our team, or any team ideally, goes through when developing an app.

Producing a strategy on how a mobile app enhances your business is the first step to developing an app.

Finally, it’s time to code and build the app (Yalgaar ho!)

UX is the goal of any UI; user experience and user interface respectively (just in case). It should be as easy as a walk in the park!

A bug can be very bugging to users. We’ll not let it bite you. Hence, debugging comes before deployment!

Our Work


A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Strong Brand Identity

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Psychology of Color in Branding and Marketing

It just takes 90 seconds to form a first impression of a product. In the world of branding and marketing, where first impressions are everything, the power of perception reigns supreme. Every element.....

answer in brief


We develop mobile apps for both iOs and Android phones. As a mobile app development company in Ahmedabad, providing responsive applications is our motto!


With native app development, separate apps are developed for iOs and Android platforms, while for those with cross-platform development, a single app works on both platforms.


As long as it takes for you to go ‘Aha! That’s it!!’. Jokes apart, we take up to a few months to build the app completely. However, the exact duration would obviously vary.


Ever come across an app that does not keep prompting you for updates? Nay. We strive to keep bettering your app from time to time but not without costing a few dimes.


Yes! As a responsible mobile app development company in Ahmedabad, we will not leave you dangling. We do offer maintenance services at a very reasonable cost.