Chapter: The Indian PR

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Uncomplicated public relations with BBM!

Are you a public figure, emerging public figure, corporate or a brand, we keep up your public image. Under the umbrella of PR, a lot fits in such as media relations, community relations, social media image and more. As a

PR agency in Ahmedabad

, Gujarat, we’ll be your filter but not the one that goes on DPs.

PR agency in Ahmedabad
  • 007 targeting of potential customers
  • Spend on budget (Bachat!)
  • Monitoring that deep!
  • Right choice of social channels

Perks of PR

Our Work


A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Strong Brand Identity

Imagine your brand as a cozy coffee shop - a space people prefer to visit, ditching all other cafes in the town This blog is not just about handing.....

Psychology of Color in Branding and Marketing

It just takes 90 seconds to form a first impression of a product. In the world of branding and marketing, where first impressions are everything, the power of perception reigns supreme. Every element.....

answer in brief


PR aka. Public relations implies keeping a spot on brand image. As the

best PR agency in Ahmedabad

, we undertake various activities to keep a track of consumer sentiments towards the brand.


There are many factors that impact a customer’s buying decision. One such factor is PR i.e., the public relation with the brand. PR reflects brand image. If it is negative or engulfed in controversies, people are likely to disengage their relation with the brand. As a PR agency in Ahmedabad, our services pertain to brand management and a positive portrayal to every brand entity.


Who doesn’t want a positive public image? PR is for any corporation, brand, company, celebrity, public figure or anyone with the goal to manage public relations. We are a comprehensive PR agency in Ahmedabad, India, hence we not only look after your public image but also manage media requests for you.